The Capital Development Authority (CDA) in line with its policy to complete the development works in the stalled sectors, has approved Rs. 110.119 million for installation and provision of gas network in sector I-11.
The payment would likely be made to SNGPL in next few days and after that SNGPL will start work on the provision of Sui-gas in the sector I-11. Under this project, SNGPL would lay main gas pipe line up to the sector and will further establish door to door gas network in sector I-11/1&2. The said work would likely to be completed in approximately three months.
CDA-DWP in its 45th meeting held in October this year, approved PC-I & PC-IV amounting to Rs 2618.251 million for carrying out development works in sector I-11. Consequent upon approval of Project Costs, concerned formations were directed to fulfill codel formalities so that works pertaining to respective formations be carried out simultaneously. In this context, SNGPL was approached to furnish demand notice for provision of Sui-gas infrastructure in the sector. After complete survey demand draft was furnished which was processed and accordingly approved by the authority during the last week.
In addition to provision of Sui-gas network, authority during its board meeting held in November this year approved the allocation of 18.6 kanals land for construction of 132 KV grid station in sector I-11/2 for provision of electricity in the sector I-11 and I-12. Moreover, development of remaining infrastructure in the sector is also in pipeline.
Similarly, authority in addition to initiating development activities also focusing on the cost effectiveness of the development works. Steps are also being taken to complete development activities in remaining other sectors. In this context, demand notice received from the SNGPL was at higher side as it included 17 kilometer main line, however, SNGPL was approached for reducing the length of main line which has been now agreed which will significantly reduce the cost on establishment of sui-gas network. Now SNGPL will furnish cost curtailed demand notice for provision of sui-gas network in the Park Enclave housing society. Furthermore, codel formalities for provision of sui-gas in sector I-14 are also in advance stages as break-up of the demand notice has been requested from the SNGPL so that it can be finalized at earliest.
It is pertinent to mention here that nearly a year ago, development in the stalled sectors was not even in sight. However, after taking up development in stalled sectors, incumbent management took consolidated steps for completing development works and provision of basic amenities and missing facilities in these sectors. As result of the consistent efforts, works on different projects are in progress, few are in advance stages and many are in pipeline.