Usman-Buzdar-2-750x369Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that transparency is the hallmark of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government.
In a statement issued here on Tuesday, he made it clear that no one would be allowed to indulge in any sort of corruption. Corruption was intolerable at any level, he emphasised adding that those indulging in any corrupt practices would be made an example through legal course of action. Gone are the days when the corrupt were patronised and their misdeeds were provided a cover, he added.
The chief minister said that the PTI government was following a policy of zero tolerance against corruption and the fuss created by the opposition currently was nothing more than hypocrisy, he added.
Buzdar on Tuesday termed the continuous Israeli attacks on Palestine as a blatant violation of all human rights.
In a statement, he said Israelis’ hands were drenched with the blood of innocent Palestinians. Israel would continue to indulge in similar brutalities if it was not stopped today, he stressed.
Meanwhile, the continuous silence of the international community, over the situation in Palestine, was a big question mark, he said. The defenceless Palestinians had an equal right to live, he added. While the silence of the international community was resulting in human tragedy, the CM said and added that the people and the government of Pakistan had full sympathies towards Palestinians. It was incumbent upon the international community to immediately react to stop brutalities against the unarmed Palestinians, asserted the CM.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has decided to hold a review of the performance of every department as administrative secretaries will brief in detail about the steps taken during two and a half years along with a future road map.
In this regard, the chief minister chaired a meeting of the Home department at his office to review departmental performance. ACS (Home) briefed about achievements, jail reforms and legislation. The CM expressed satisfaction over the performance of the Home department and directed to work with more zeal to achieve future targets.
Talking on the occasion, the CM affirmed building multi-storey barracks to accommodate 10,000 prisoners in seven jails. The civil work of a high-security jail in Mianwali has been completed while a new jail has also been constructed in Lodhran. Meanwhile, action has been initiated against 1319 officials for showing negligence and corruption, he added.
Besides, the prisoners’ management information system has been started in 21 jails along with the provision of courtrooms in different jails.
The CM said Punjab forensic science training lab will be made functional soon, whereas new child protection institutes are also being established in six different districts while the child protection institute in Sahiwal has already been completed.
Similarly, child protection units will be established in 11 districts and the scope of Baloch levies has been expanded to Rajanpur, the CM announced. The approval of recruitment has been accorded to border military police and Bloch levies and new check posts and police stations are also being established in tribal areas, he continued. Meanwhile, recruitment of new jail staff has been allowed, he said and directed to take effective measures to stop smuggling, adding that line departments be reactivated to achieve desired results.
He assured to take every possible step for the rehabilitation of the prisoners, adding that the jail monitoring system be further developed.